Wednesday, April 1, 2009

GOP's April Fools Joke!

They tried before to destroy Social Security, now they are trying to destroy Medicare. These are supposedly Christian people with family values, yet they really don't want to see the elderly taken care of. At least not if it means the rich won't get richer!

Their attempt several years ago on Social Security was to pull money out of the system, going into privatized accounts. The end result of this was to hasten the bankruptcy of the system, in the name of trying to save it.

Just think of what the value of those privatized accounts would be today!

Now they are pulling a similar stunt with Medicare, trying to pull people out of the system, when those dollars are necessary to sustain it. They just don't get it!

Social Security and Medicare are insurance policies. Those of you old enough to remember your old pay stubs would have seen OAI for the deduction. Old Age Insurance! It was meant to be insurance against being broke when you retired, not a pension plan!

You buy the policy, alright it is forced on you as a responsibility as a citizen, in case you need the insurance later in life. Just like you buy auto insurance in case you need it. If you don't have an accident, you don't get your money back. If you have sufficient assets and income, you don't need another monthly check, you don't get the monthly check. Same thing for Medicare. If you can afford a better policy, get a better policy!

Again, it just makes me shudder to think of people who call themselves family oriented, family valued Christians even considering ending these programs which dramatically improve the lives of our elderly.

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